Research Cores and Services

Research Cores at the Tulane National Primate Research Center provide unique services for the investigation of pathogens and the interpretation of research results. These services are available to both internal core scientists and external collaborators upon request. Explore the primate center's 11 research cores and services below. 





The Anatomic Pathology Core (APC) is responsible for post-mortem examinations, tissue collection and distribution, fixation, processing, slide preparation, routine and special staining, and diagnostic gross and histologic pathology services. The APC also processes and interprets biopsy specimens for both research and diagnostic purposes and provides tissue trimming, paraffin processing, sectioning, and routine and special staining for clinical and research staff and faculty. The APC works closely with clinical veterinarians, and through diagnostic pathology on biopsies and necropsies, plays a major role in monitoring and maintaining the health of the animals in the breeding colonies. 

Learn more about Anatomic Pathology

The Clinical Pathology Core (CPC) performs clinical diagnostic testing for all research and colony animals. This includes complete blood counts, routine chemistry panels, and microbial culture workups.  The lab is equipped with the Sysmex XN1000v veterinary hematology analyzer, the Beckman AU480 chemistry analyzer, and the Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) instrument for microbe identification.  This data provides essential information to research staff, veterinarians, and affiliated scientists for research objectives, as well as health information about the animals in our care.  The CPC is staffed with three American Society of Clinical Pathologist certified licensed Medical Technologists. 

Learn more about the Clinical Pathology Core

The Confocal Microscopy and Molecular Pathology Core (CMMPC) provides research support and training for molecular pathology, confocal microscopy, image analysis, multicolor immunohistochemistry, and in-situ hybridization techniques for internal and affiliate scientists.  Services include assistance with experimental design, antibody selection, molecular probe selection, fixation and staining protocols, operating fluorescent and confocal microscopes, acquiring and storing imaging data, interpretation of results, and generation of publication-quality images.  Image analysis services include assistance with capturing images for evaluation and the use of various image analysis software.

Learn more about Confocal Microscopy and Molecular Pathology

The Flow Cytometry Core provides analytical flow cytometry services and live cell sorting under enhanced Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2+) conditions.  Instruments available include six analyzers ranging from 13-48  color acquisition and three sorters using 1-,2-,4-way, and plate sorting between 6-18 colors. Both conventional and spectral analyzers are available. We provide experimental and panel design consultation as a service.  The core is heavily utilized and supports research projects for a significant number of core and affiliate scientists. 

Learn more about Flow Cytometry

The Genetics and Genome Banking Core assists in the design of breeding groups and monitors genetic diversity among the colony’s breeding animals.  This core is responsible for maintaining a genome bank including DNA and cryopreserved primary fibroblast cell lines, including 700 cell lines and DNA samples representing more than  9,000 animals.  Genotype data using the NPRC standardized SNP array is available for more than 8,300 individuals and whole genome sequence is available for over 520 animals.  Genomic data is available via mGAP and can be integrated with physical resource and records by contacting the core.  Targeted genotyping for new model development and specialized breeding is also available.  

Learn more about Genetics and Genome Banking

The High Containment Research Performance Core (HCRPC) provides full or partial support for researchers seeking to perform BSL3 and BSL2/BSL3 Select Agent studies and provides services for bacterial/viral culture and propagation, sample preparation, and processing of blood, BAL, single cell isolation, flow cytometry, and more.  This core offers project management assistance in study design, budgeting, and IACUC and IBC preparation. Our standard operating procedures have been tested to ensure consistent practices and have undergone rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure reproducibility.  The HCRPC offers assay services for qPCR, O’link Q100, Biorad Bioplex 200, MEso QuickPlex SQ120 Imager and the Microscope Axio Observer. 

Learn more about the High Containment Research Performance Core

The Immunology Assay Services provides several immunology services to core and affiliate investigators. This service offers multicolor staining for flow cytometry, access to an inventory of commonly used antibodies, reagent compounding, sample processing such as cell isolation, automated cell separation through RoboSep, and irradiation of biological samples. The IAS also offers multiplex assays using a MESO QuickPlex SQ 120 Imager to investigators. 

Learn more about Immunology Assay Services

The TNPRC houses one of the only scientific cores within the collective NIH-funded resources that specifically focuses on infectious disease aerobiology.  This is an important distinction because of the demonstrated expertise and corresponding equipment and facilities required for this type of research to be performed. The Infectious Disease Aerobiology Core facilitates biomedical research efforts that require the unique demands of aerosol and aerobiology in their respective performance.

Learn more about Infectious Disease Aerobiology

The Pathogen Detection and Quantification Core (PDQC) provides services for maintaining the SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) status in macaque breeding colonies.  Services include antibody detection in serum or plasma by Luminex-based assays and/or ELISA for SPF-agents like SIV, SRV, STLV, B virus, SFV, CMV, RRV, SVV, SV40, and LCV, and non-SPF infectious agents like measles, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Tripanosoma cruzi, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and SARS-CoV-2.  The PDQC also offers services of cytokines quantification, and molecular assays for detection of SRV, CMV, SFV and RRV.  In addition, the PDQC performs nucleic acid purification from blood and tissue samples as well as qPCR for SIV viral load in plasma or cells. 

Learn more about the Pathogen Detection and Quantification Core

Unit of Collaborative Research (UCR) is committed to delivering full or partial support for non-affiliate researchers interested in NHP research.  UCR offers outside scientists access to NHP samples for preliminary studies and assay development.  It affords opportunities to conduct NHP studies and opens avenues for collaboration between scientists and guidance in study design, management, budgets, and regulatory requirements. 

Learn more about the Unit of Collaborative Research

The Vector-Borne Infectious Disease component of this core produces tick vectors for research on Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. 

The Diagnostic Parasitology component provides diagnostic services to clinical veterinarians and core and affiliate investigators when parasitic diseases are suspected in resident nonhuman primates. Services for affiliate investigators include blood parasite detection via microscopic examination of prepared blood smears and quantitative buffy-coat analysis, and intestinal parasite detection via microscopic examination of direct wet mounts, zinc sulfate flotation prepared slides, or parasite-specific assays.

Learn more about the Vector-Borne Infectious Disease and Diagnostic Parasitology Core

The Virus Characterization, Isolation, Production and Sequencing Core (VCIPS) is divided into two primary components: 1) virus characterization, isolation, and production and 2) next generation sequencing. The Virus Characterization, Isolation and Production component provides virus expansion and characterization, viral titer by plaque and TCID50 assays, live virus neutralization and inhibition assays at both BSL-2 and –3 (including SARS-CoV-2).  The Next Generation Sequencing component provides expertise in next generation sequencing and timely genomic services including whole genome, epigenetics, targeted amplicons, scRNA seq and 16S metagenomics.  The sequencing core also provides NGS based major histocompatibility complex (MHC) typing. 

Learn more about the Virus Characterization, Isolation, Producation and Sequencing Core