Infectious Disease Aerobiology Core

The Infectious Disease Aerobiology Core is housed within the Division of Microbiology. 

The TNPRC houses one of the only scientific cores within the collective NIH-funded resources that specifically focuses on infectious disease aerobiology. This is an important distinction because of the demonstrated expertise and corresponding equipment and facilities required for this type of research to be performed. The Infectious Disease Aerobiology Core facilitates biomedical research efforts that require the unique demands of aerosol and aerobiology in their respective performance.


Chad Roy PhD, Director of the Infectious Disease Aerobiology Core
Rachel Redmann, Biomedical Engineer
Sarah Bose, Lab Manager of the Infectious Disease Aerobiology Core


When utilizing research resources made possible by the TNPRC Infectious Disease Aerobiology Core, please cite RRID:SCR_024608. For additional information on acknowledging Tulane National Primate Research Center resources, please see here.