The Tulane National Primate Research Center (TNPRC) has a national mission to improve human and animal health through basic and applied biomedical research.
To accomplish this mission, the TNPRC:
- Conducts basic and applied biomedical research on human health problems using nonhuman primate models.
- Investigates nonhuman primate biology and diseases with particular regard to the study of human health problems.
- Promotes animal welfare through the use of clinical and basic science research to characterize and improve the health of nonhuman primates.
- Serves as a regional and national resource and center of excellence for biomedical research using nonhuman primates.
- Provides training for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, veterinarians, undergraduates, veterinary students and visiting scientists.
- Educates the general public about the critical link between basic research with animal models and improvements in human health.