We are open for normal operations until 5 p.m. on Tuesday. We will shift to remote operations and be physically closed starting at 5 p.m. Tuesday through Wednesday. For more details and updates, please visit our emergency information page.

Mentoring Programs

The Tulane National Primate Research Center currently offers three mentoring programs:

Post-doc and Junior Faculty Mentoring Program

The goal of the Postdoc and Junior Faculty Mentoring program is to provide our trainees and faculty with workshops, training opportunities, and seminars that would best support their career development.

We aim to help them acquire key skills and knowledge that are important for a successful career.

Trainee Mentoring Program

The Trainee Mentoring Program offers graduate students an opportunity to attend an NIH office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE)-based webinar series with a certified facilitator and monthly meetings/workshops focused on developing their professional and academic skills.

For more information about mentoring programs, please contact Monica Embers, PhD, associate professor of immunology and microbiology, and director of the TNPRC mentorship program at members@tulane.edu